Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Robert Pattinson=]=]=]=]=]!!!

Robert Pattinson made People’s Best Dressed 2009 with his daring style and oh so different pieces. Maybe the fact that he is extra sulty (yummy looking) helped his rating go waaaaay up there!

His style ranges from tailored tuxes and shiny shoes to blazers and dingy beat up shoes. His style is one that keeps me interested and not only in his face or body. I’d have to say his favorite pieces to wear would be blazers and lots of them. Royal blue, red, navy blue, black blazers and do they look so delicious on him. He usually pairs it with a button up shirt or a tie, but sometimes he leaves the tie off and opens the buttons for a little chest showing. He knows what the ladies like and it looks oh so good. =]=]

I have a gut feeling that People only named him best dressed to sell more magazines since he is a heart throb to teens and more. He does dress nice when he has to but is his style the best off the red carpet or awards shows? I think he is a sexy hunk of a man and dresses nice, but he may not be the best dressed man in Hollywood. I know that I would buy the magazine if it had tons of pictures of him because he is a very big deal right now and extra sexy!

What do you think?

Thanks for reading! =]

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